I have some few of announcements that gonna to make, Tex: Fly Away and The Legend of Hikermana switched release dates. Sweet Lullaby will be still in late 2021 release date for HTF fans who like Flippy and Flaky, so. Um, there's just happen and here's a mystery about the 4th film for 2020. Liam announces Coronavirus film Which this is not even showed what happen to it but for Rosianna Rabbit, the director Alex Dempsey. He will be super mad when I posted this Rosianna Rabbit film. Things has even left out because was only 3 films for 2020 this year. Adding another one for 2020, Coronavirus. It will be quickly only less than 12 parts (The whole film), it will be quick before Crazy Squares 3 and Jetix 2. It like a second trimester part and named is 8 parts.